About Us > Staff & Departments
Staff & Departments
Our staff are fully committed to their tasks and have a genuine concern to care compassionately for our patients. Their kind caring for these patients take up a great deal of their energy and emotions. Our staff go through a careful selection process that ensures they have a combination of sound experience, impeccable professional skills, level-headed maturity, as well as a well-grounded passion and determination to excel in the palliative care field.
Hospis Malaysia comprises four core departments which govern all our services and activities.
This department comprises doctors, nurses, a pharmacist, and an occupational therapist, all of whom work closely with a core group of volunteers. Closely supervised by the Medical Director, the Clinical Department defines patient-centred goals of care, and works towards providing the best possible care and treatment for these patients and their families. Hospis Malaysia’s management strongly encourages the growth and development of our clinical staff and their exposure to more training opportunities and dialogue sessions.
Hospis Malaysia has been recognised as a leading training and education provider of palliative care in Malaysia. Our name has surfaced among other palliative care international organisations, mainly through our collaboration with the Asia Pacific Hospice & Palliative Care Network (APHN). The department works closely with facilitators and experts from across the world to train and teach healthcare professionals in Malaysia and around the region.
The team works to ensure and maintain a steady inflow of funds, and holds the primary responsibility of organising fundraising events. The Communication & Fundraising Department engages continuously with the media, and is in charge of the publication as well as circulation of literature on Hospis Malaysia or palliative care in general. The team from this department also plays an active role in creating awareness about palliative care among the Malaysian public as well as the corporate sector through events and the regular publication of our newsletter, Berita Hospis.
This department handles all monetary aspects of the organisation. It is closely supervised by the General Manager, who is also accountable to the Finance & Administration Sub-Committee of the Council. The team ensures that sources of funds are well-managed and also helps to oversee IT support, human resource, and other administrative needs of Hospis Malaysia.