What We Do

Patient Services
We provide palliative care services
that aim to relief our patients’
suffering from a life-limiting illness,
primarily through pain management
and other symptom management.

Education and Training
Our workshops equip health care
providers with the necessary skills
and knowledge to ensure that
holistic patient-centred
care is delivered.

We strive to raise the understanding and visibility of
palliative care in Malaysia.
Volunteer & Career Opportunities
The work that we do would not be possible without our volunteers and staff.
Join us and help make a difference today.
Host Your Own Fundraiser
Hospis Malaysia depends almost entirely on individual and corporate support as our source of funds. Join us today by creating your own fundraiser. Anyone and everyone can get involved – individuals, groups, businesses, schools, etc.
All our services are provided to our patients at no charge, we rely substantially on donations from the public to sustain our services. By making a one-time donation or pledging to donate regularly to Hospis Malaysia, you will help make a difference to the quality of life of our patients and their families.