What We Do > Patient Services
Patient Services
We provide palliative care services that aim to relief our patients’ suffering from life-limiting illnesses, primarily through pain management and other symptom management.
The domiciliary care service, also known as home care service is Hospis Malaysia’s core activity. At Hospis Malaysia, each patient is an individual first and every illness is highly personal. Two people with the same disease may require quite different management. Members of our clinical team, an integrated group which include palliative care doctors, nurses, a pharmacist and an occupational therapist work closely together throughout the course of care to find effective solutions to address needs of patients.
Hospis Malaysia believes that patients, as well as their families, have the right to set the tone for care. Palliative care nurses who carry out assessments of new patients have open discussions with patients and their families’ right from the beginning to understand how best domiciliary care can work to help improve the quality of life of patients and families.
Patients who are referred to Hospis Malaysia are contacted within two working days after acceptance of the referral. We assess the impact of the illness such as physical symptoms, emotional and psychological issues, social issues and the patients’ understanding of their condition. Once assessment is done, the Hospis Malaysia team will:-
- prioritise the problems with the patient and the family
- propose a plan of management
- administer medication (if necessary)
- recommend medical equipment (if necessary)
- request skills of members of our interdisciplinary team such as the occupational therapist (if necessary). Frequency of visits by nurses depend on individual cases and can vary from one a fortnight to daily, depending on the condition of the patient.
We provide a 24-hour on-call service to attend to emergencies of our registered patients at any time.

Equipment such as oxygen concentrators, syringe drivers, suction machines, nebulisers, ripple mattresses, hospital beds, wheelchairs, commodes, sheepskin rugs, air cushions, etc. is available for patients to loan at no charge.
The nurse in charge will assess and recommend equipment according to need.
- Our weekly rehab sessions are conducted to improve and maintain our patients’ strength and assist patients to re-learn activities that can help them regain their independence.
- Regular caregivers’ workshops are also conducted to introduce the caregiver to basic care-giving and nursing skills. Such skills can help caregivers better manage the symptoms and effects of a patient’s illness at home.
Are available for patients who live outside our catchment area or who would prefer to be seen at our center