Education & Training > Teaching Faculty

Teaching Faculty
Started in 1998, this department focuses on providing palliative care training to others by conducting modular workshops in collaboration with the Asia Pacific Hospice Palliative Care Network (APHN). Our educators and instructors also come from international teaching faculties with great expertise and teaching experience. These workshops attract doctors and nurses from Malaysia as well as around the region. This department delivers tutorial-based teachings, practical exercises, and interactive teaching experiences to address the core areas of palliative care. This department is a useful training resource for Malaysia and the Asia Pacific region.
Faculty Members

Dr Rebecca Coles-Gale

Dr Ghauri Aggarwal

Sumytra Menon
From 2008-2009, Sumy was appointed as Legal Consultant to the Ministry of Community Development, Youth & Sports to draft the Code of Practice for the new Mental Capacity Act. This sparked a developing interest for her in health law, specifically the law relating to mental capacity and end of life care.
Sumy is a Member of the Joint Steering Committee for Advanced Care Planning where the mandate is to recommend, implement and evaluate policies that pertain to the ACP programme management across the care continuum in all healthcare settings. She has delivered numerous talks and led workshops to train health professionals on the legal and ethical aspects of mental capacity and end of life care.

Dr Jan Maree Davis
She has played a major role in the design & implementation of the University of New South Wales Medical School curriculum. She is a conjoint lecturer in the UNSW School of Public Health & Community Medicine, and is actively involved in medical student teaching. She has presented at many palliative care conferences within Australia, and internationally. Dr Maree has a great interest in promoting the understanding of palliative care in culturally and linguistically diverse settings. The design and implementation of the End of Life Care Clinical Pathway Project at St George Hospital has been a major work of hers over the past more than ten years.

Liese Groot-Alberts

Professor Dr Amy Chow
Professor Chow’s scholarship and contribution to social work practice have been recognized by the following awards: Cross-Cultural Award, (ADEC) (2005); Cadenza Fellowship (2008); Best Abstract Award (Researcher) (2010); Distinguished Alumni Award (2013) (CUHK); Rainbow of Life Outstanding Individual Award (2013); Outstanding Social Worker Award (2014); Outstanding Teaching Award of the University of Hong Kong (2014); Outstanding Research Output Awards (2017-2018) (University of Hong Kong) and Research Recognition Award (ADEC) (2020).

Professor Gilbert Fan Kam Tong
Gilbert is currently the Chair for Volunteer Engagement, Institution Wellness Officer, Master MSW of the Department of Psychosocial Oncology, and HR Counsellor & Trainer (Employee Relations), Human Resource at the National Cancer Centre Singapore. His clinical interest is in griefwork, experiential counselling and groupwork, particularly in the application of experiential counselling of patients with advanced cancers. His research interests include the study of coping behaviours, meaning making and intervention models in cancer care.

Dr Noreen Chan

Dr Chan Mei Yoke
She has a special interest in the holistic care of children with cancer and other chronic life-limiting illnesses, which encompasses palliative and hospice care, as well as attention to the psychosocial aspect of care. She also has a keen interest in clinical ethics and obtained a Masters in Bioethics from Harvard University in 2022.
Dr Chan is currently Senior Consultant in Paediatric Haematology/Oncology and Paediatric Palliative Service in KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Singapore; and Adjunct Associate Professor at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine at the National University of Singapore, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine at National Technological University and the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School. She is also an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Centre for Biomedical Ethics in National University of Singapore. She is currently the Chairman of the KKH Clinical Ethics Committee.